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How to Overcome Cravings And Boost Ketosis At The Same Time

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We've all been there. A craving comes up and you have to deal with it somehow.

You could try to shove it aside. You can pull up your reason why.

But sometimes that doesn't work... especially for persistent cravings.

Here's the thing: cravings are most commonly caused by stress of some kind (primarily emotional).

When we eat sugar, carbs or chocolate, we get a little rush of "feel good" chemicals in the brain.

The problem is the original stress and emotional tension are still there, just masked; like a drug. And by giving in, you've reinforced a bad habit.

But there is a really simple and powerful solution.

When a craving hits...


Yes, that's it!

Science has proven that all kinds of positive, amazing things happen inside your body when you get a little simple exercise.

Walking is one of the best stress-busters and mood-boosters in existence.

Once your stress has been relieved, you won't want that candy bar any more.

Research shows that doing this continually will break the desire for unhealthy food.

And ... walking will help you get into ketosis by burning off those carbs :-)


If you can't go on a walk (maybe because you're stuck at work)...

...try eating an avocado.

Avocados are bursting with healthy fats and have a lot of nutrients that your body loves.

Many people find cravings disappear immediately after biting into an avocado.

And, yes... avocados will also help you get into ketosis.


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