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A Tasty 1-Calorie Keto Drink

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Would you like to know about a very tasty drink that is keto-approved and has only ONE calorie?

This drink will also help you lose pounds and inches, along with a host of other benefits.

What is this amazing drink?

It's a glass of water with a squirt of fresh lemon juice!

Simply cut up a fresh lemon into slices, and squeeze the juice to taste.

Lemon water is a great combination.

Water helps you lose because:
  • It's a natural appetite suppressant.
  • You lose water on a keto diet, and dehydration can slow metabolism.
  • Water helps keep your hormones in balance which makes you feel less stressed, more calm and more happy.
Lemon juice:
  • Makes water taste so much better than regular water... yet it only adds one calorie per glass
  • Boosts the immune system, which means you can fight off sicknesses more easily
  • Detoxes the kidneys and blood (removes "garbage" from body)
How much water (or lemon water) should you drink per day?

Most people just say "8 cups" but a more accurate formula is to take your weight (in pounds) and divide it by 2. That's how many OUNCES to aim for each day.

Of course if you're sweating more, you may need more. And in colder temperatures you may need less.

But that formula is a good guide :)


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